Friday, July 9, 2010

What is this Blog? UtopiaDreamin'...

I do have a vision, a dream, to unite. Unity can come about in many forms of life. You can be unified and together with your own well being and mind. A neighborhood community can unite together to have a peaceful, safe, and friendly street. Uniting family members back together is a dream come true for many people. Unifying a gathering of inspirational speakers and students to bridge educational awareness. Uniting a bunch of people at a park for a drum circle for high vibrational good times is uplifting for the soul! Unifying ideas to bring about human rights in this country. My dream is to unite ourselves with each other, with the environment, with the world, and most importantly, uniting the hearts WITHIN OURSELVES. This unification is about understanding, compassion, love, and awareness to live harmoniously in an utopian world. The energy within collective unity is powerful, and it needs to be shared amongst each other.

I created the idea of Utopia Dreamz back when I was in high school. I was struggling to fit into the right crowd when I was a teenager. I felt there was too much pressure to identity myself with a specific group of kids. I disliked this idea a lot. I was my own person in every way and I learned to be accepting that I was unique and awesome for not being like everyone else! I found my home in attending rave parties at the ripe age of sixteen. Raving was truly an eye opening experience especially in my teenage years. One room, a beat of music, young people dancing in unison, a DJ stirring up the dance floor, all celebrating freedom to love, to bring peace, unity, respect and acceptance to each other. Raving brought about freedom by being present in the moment. Everyone was on the same level of passionately understanding the high vibrations of unification. No drugs were ever involved in my teenage years of raving nor was I influenced to try any drugs. I was in pure love.

In 2001, I wanted to reach out to the world with the love that I learned to grow and not just keep it inside a room or a box. I knew there were many people out there who are sad, struggling with life, dealing with issues that I can't even fathom; therefore I knew I had to be a part of making the world a better place and I knew it can start with ME. I quit playing competitive tennis after many years of touring California as a ranked junior tennis player. I joined the Rainbow Alliance for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual, questioning students at my high school. I wanted to break the ideals of conformity as I decided to cut off my girly long hair when I was seventeen. I looked adrogynous and I turned heads. I became best friends with the kids who were made fun of a lot in the hallways. I also became a vegetarian at the time and drove out to protests for people like Mumia Abu Jamal who is still in imprisonment. I did community service and planted native trees. I joined PETA and wanted to stop animal abuse! I lead the Day of Silence for closeted LGBTQ youth on my high school campus. I did many things while in high school and I have no clue if what I was doing was particularly correct, but oh well, I wanted to help REACH OUT. I wanted to share some light and it gave me practice to step out into the world.

One day it dawned on me that my passion is to bring awareness, to bridge peace with each other, understanding, and to create a dream to live in an utopian world of love. I envision people living peacefully without war and hate. I know that discrimination will end. I see the planet becoming greener than it is today. So in 2001, I said to myself, "utopia dreamz" (the letter "Z" was used instead of the letter "S" because I was a raver then and the letter "Z" was more sparkly sounding to me haha).

Through the years, I used the idea of UtopiaDreamz to formulate creative action and human interaction. I've thrown events that involved music to bring people together unifying LOVE for beats. I DJed for crowds of people with the idea of UtopiaDreamz printed on flyers. My friends and I have thrown an event during San Francisco Pride Pink Party back in 2006 under the team name of UtopiaDreamz in the Castro; and wow, it sure was an evening to remember...lots of BLISS!

So how does UtopiaDreamz work? And how do we reach a place of peace to live in a magical utopian world? Easy. By sharing enriching, enlightening, fun, risky, adventurous, educational, connecting, loving, supportive, POSITIVE, and ever wonderful human life empowering experiences with EACH OTHER. Sharing is the most important aspect. You have to create a ripple effect to reach many people! Each opportunity to share is a positive experience. Taking in what you learn, you will share with someone else. When you make someone happy, doesn't it make you happy as well? So that's why we share. Sharing good loving positive experiences makes our lives feel good! Through our social networking talents, awareness will have infinite effects on one another.

UtopiaDreamz is a LIFESTYLE. Each of us can create and build our own life experiences to be humanly fulfilling, healthy and POSITIVE. We live by these ways to enrich ourselves, to enrich each other, and to enrich the WORLD. As humans, to live in a utopian harmonious world, one has to be connected and loved from within ourselves, to be happy, to be connected to the understanding of the world, to build compassion, awareness, MINDFULNESS, and then there will be peace and lots of love! We need each other to strengthen the support and build the energy around this idea. LOVE!

So in this blog, I will be writing about random experiences to help myself and others think outside the box. I will write about ways to loving ourselves and uncovering the deep dark times. I will talk about yoga and how it's helping to open up my own heart. I will be writing about eating foods that make us feel good while supporting our planet. I will write about how Uganda is coming up with a Gay death penalty. There will be a number of ideas and experiences to bridging this human awareness globally.

I am twenty six years of human physical age. And this journey of connecting with the self and world, many of you might be able to relate to. This is also a personal blog of my journey's quest for world wonder, peace, personal fulfillment, education and awareness. Through this quest, I sure hope to make this world a better place; processing simultaneously one step at a time with your help of...listening. I am in practice of opening my heart up, expressing, and giving love...and I hope the world receives my truths. So I hope to inspire many of you and I hope you take what you learned from me and transcend it into your own human experience to share with others. I am a firm believer of leading by example. =) One step at a time.

Come join me in creating a positive, thrilling, healthy, vibrant and loving life together to bridging peace within ourselves and the world!

Sawadee Kah & Namaste.
Cindy Sunshyne